Divya Prakash Pathak

I'm a student of


Hailing from a family below the poverty line, my parents persevered through tough times to ensure I received a quality education, proper meals, and a nurturing environment. The person I am today is a testament to the invaluable contributions of those who surrounded me. In the tapestry of an ordinary life, my journey is woven with numerous facts, each twist and turn adding depth to the unique narrative that defines my story.

  • Birthday: 20 August 2000
  • Website: www.divyasanskritam.com
  • Phone: +91 9120201405
  • City: New Delhi, India
  • Age: 23
  • Degree: Ph.D. (Pursuing)
  • Email: dppbhu@gmail.com

Hobbies and Interests:   Issue Analysis and Solution Exploration, Visting Nature-centric Places, Reading Books



  • Hindi
  • Sanskrit
  • English
  • Magahi


  • Sanskrit Computational Linguistics
  • Darshan
  • Applied Sanskrit
  • Indian Knowledge Systems
  • Hindu Studies


Doctor of Philosophy

2023 - onwards

University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Navyanyāyavākyaprakāśikā: Automatic Generation of Navya Nyāya Expression and its graphical representation

Master of Sanskrit (88.10%)


Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India

Introducation to Sanskrit Computational Linguistics; Indian Intellectual tradition; Sankhya and Yoga; Advait Vedanta; Text and Interpretation; Language, Thought & Reality; Language, History & Culture; Navya Nyaya Language & Methodology; Indian Philosophical System; Introduction to Ayurveda, Manuscriptology and Disaster Management; Vedic Texts and Interpretation.

Bachelor of Sanskrit (87.40%)


Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Sanskrit, Ancient Indian History & Archaeology, Philosophy.

Senior Secondary (94.80%)


Mata Draupadi Namadhari Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Palamu, Jharkhand

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Sanskrit.

Certification Courses

COP Sanskrit Computational Linguistics (95.00%)


Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India

Certificate course in IKS - Humanities and Social Sciences


Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (through SWAYAM Portal)

Work Experience

Special Expert for Glossary (Part-time)


Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT), Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.

  • Committee for Fundamental Glossary of Chemistry (English-Hindi-Sanskrit)
  • Review-committee for Learner’s Glossary for Science (Class 1-5)(English-Sanskrit)

Contributor in NLP Projects & Research Works

2023 - onwards
  • As a corpus creator for Sanskrit to Hindi Translation Programme Nilekani Centre at AI4Bharat, IIT Madras 2023

Website Developer (Part-time)

2016 - onwards
  • https://heerasamvaya.co.in/ - A Blogging Website
  • https://www.divyasanskritam.com/ - Multipurpose Website
  • https://cl.sanskrit.du.ac.in - Multipurpose Website
  • https://seemajagranmanch.org - Multipurpose Website

NLP Tools Developer

2023 - onwards

Digitalisation of IKS texts

2023 - onwards

Content Creator for Sanskrit, IKS and Hindu Studies

2023 - onwards

Research Credentials

Research Papers/Posters Presented

  • Pratyaya Sarga in Samkhya Darshan & its Application in Solving Psychological Issues
    • Second International Sanskrit Conference (ISC) on Sanskrit Studies Across the World (संस्कृत का वैश्विक परिदृश्य)
    • Jointly organised by Department of Sanskrit, Maitreyi College, University of Delhi, Bharat; School of Indic Studies, Institute of Advanced Sciences, USA; Department of Sanskrit, RBSGGD College, Mau, UP, Bharat & Department of Sanskrit, SGGSJMGD College, Palia Kalan, Lakhimpur Kheri, UP, Bharat
    • Held from 01- 02 March, 2022.
    • Best Paper Presenter Award


I had the opportunity to learn under the guidance of scholars from various fields. Based on what I learned, I have completed several assignments and projects. Here, you can take a look at my major works.

  • All
  • Projects & Tools
  • Lectures
  • Research Work





103, A3 Block, Paschim Vihar, Delhi-110063


+91 9120201405